Sunday, 19 May 2013

Google Glass

Credit: Reuters

Hah! I bet the geeky community are now drooling over this Google Glass and dreaming to control both of their worlds. They can get better pictures, videos and whatnot as they walk, eat and even play games. Also many cooler things they can do with this Google Glass. 

But, people should also worry about the consequences of wearing the Google Glass like being hit by a car while they crossing the road because were getting distracted by the display or the number of accidents because the drivers pay more attention in updating their status in Facebook and Twitter? Not to forget about social relationship between people or the way of interaction with one another.  People will lose interest to get involved in normal conversation as they easily adopt this technology which eventually will becomes a part of their life.

As bad as it seem, imagine that the glass would really help in order to get information whenever we are. Or it may help the tourist to ask for direction in foreign languages. Or the doctors and nurses can review patients’ health record and find the treatment that suitable for the patients. It’s quite inspiring as the gadgets may help to ease everyday activities.

The prototype of this gadget may release in a year and on their way to look for a few developers. So, it might be a blockbuster product because you may use your hand for other activities!

How it works?

Credit: Google

' How again?' you may ask

Credit: Google

Just wondering, how 'bout those people with normal glasses?


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